Masterplan Vynckier Ghent
The Vynckier masterplan, designed by Revive with the commitment of ABC and in agreement with the city and its neighbours, delves into the potential and future development of the entire Vyckier site.
160 years of manufacturing tradition
The site maintains its status as a working location, upholding a tradition of manufacturing that goes back 160 years. Within this masterplan, various aspects are explored, such as determining suitable types of work for specific areas, outlining the site’s sustainability goals, and proposing solutions for mobility challenges.
Flexibly shaping the future
Importantly, this masterplan doesn’t represent the initial step towards a spatial implementation plan. The regional plan designates this area as an industrial zone. Additionally, the historically significant status of the buildings allows for flexibility, permitting consideration of non-residential functions.
The masterplan serves as a flexible discussion piece, providing the opportunity to genuinely shape the future, incorporating new insights and implementing improvements as needed.