History meets future

Alexandre Huyghe en Yves Vynckier

Revive ceo Alexandre Huyghe and Yves Vynckier

10-hectare industrial zone in Ghent

From textile company to hotspot for energy transition

The Vynckier site has three intertwined narratives spanning different eras in its history.

The story begins with the growth of a city that was expanding beyond its fortified walls, introducing the first typical Manchester buildings.

The second aspect of the Vynckier site’s history is deeply rooted in the textile industry. Companies like Parmentier Van Hoegaerden & Cie, Indiënnerie-Teinturerie Gand-Zele-Tubize, Usines Cotonnières Belgique, and spinning mill Pipyn were part of this textile heritage.

Thirdly, the site tells the story of new industrialisation. Vynckier, later known as General Electric, ABB, and Vyncolit, played a significant role in this phase.

Vynckier today & tomorrow

Pioneering into the next era of manufacturing

Today, real estate developer Revive is sustainably repurposing the iconic industrial heritage as a connected, hybrid manufacturing site to become a pioneer in energy transition and the transformation of the manufacturing industry.

The beating heart of the site: the former South Manchester building, now TerraWATT. Standing out as a beacon of business transformation, this buzzing business hub is all you need for (net)working your way into the future of innovative manufacturing solutions.

Vynckier future